Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Halal Food

Islam is a practical religion in all aspects of living.Islam is a complete way of life where Al Qur'an was explained in detail about Allah,The Creator of living thing and non living thing in the Universe. Qul Huallahu Ahad. Allahu Sommad. Lam Yalid. Walam Yuu lad. Walam Yakullahu kufwan Ahad. He is Allah. The One and Only. Allah, the Eternal and Absolute.There is none like Him. Laisa kamithlihi syai'un wahuassamii ul bassir.That is the general meaning of the verse Al Ikhlas to conclude about Allah.Muslim belief Taurah was send to Moses As ,(P.B.U.H) Zabur to Prophet Daud As, (P.B.U.H) Injil to Isa (Jesus) As (P.B.U.H) and the last scriptures (Kitab) Al Qur'an to the final Messenger Muhammad SAW as holy book from Allah.It is not made by The Prophet Muhammad SAW but genuinely from Heaven - by Allah SWT. All Prophets are messenger of Allah.They were purposely send to guide mankind from darkness to the light.The good slave definitely recognize Allah SWT as the only ONE Creator  of the Universe.To Allah SWT we worship and to HIM we returned.

What is Islam

The meaning of Islam is prosperous, harmony, peace, calm, fair and justice to all mankind.Islam does not teaches the adherent to segregate people because of different belief. Allah SWT was described very specific on that particular part "Lakum Dii Nukum Waliadiin" which means to you is your religion and to me is my religion. There are no coercion in Islam. Al Qur'an stated very clear on Deen. Innaddina Indallahil Islam. Allah SWT send HIS Messenger Muhammad SAW (P.B.U.H) to teach people about life. The main task of the Prophets Muhammad SAW is to bring the light (Faith) to all mankind.He teach people the right doing and the wrongdoing based on Ayah and AlHadith. Al Qur'an deeply described "Wamaa Arsalnaka Illa Rahmatan Lil 'Aalamin". Rasul Allah (The messenger of Allah) is an icon figure to the Universe.He was chosen by Allah to invite people to Islam as a true doctrine in life and hereafter.Prophet Muhammad SAW (P.B.U.H) was born in Mecca the place where society in the dark aged or ignorance. In Arabic is Jahiliyah. Allah SWT purposely appointed HIM as Messenger to change the culture of ignorance society to belief in Allah SWT from worshiping idols surrounding Kaaba in the early period of Islamic civilization.     

Doing Good

Allah SWT encouraging us to think on HIS creation so many times.Look at the sky without pillar, the air, the moon, the sun, mountain, sea, rivers ,multiple species of  flora and fauna which is correlation between each other to sustain ecosystem in life. People cannot inter prate scientifically  the mystery of  the Universe.That's true astronaut can reach the moon but they absolutely cannot imagine the miracle of Allah creation. Al Qur'an purposely stated,Allah SWT pegs with hill and  mountains to stabilize the earth.That is the fact but many people does not bother the reminder of  Al Qur'an.They are simply cutting the trees and balding the mountain for development.In the end people will get  disasters such as landslide, flooding, fallen trees,strong winds and destroying lives and properties. Doing good to Allah and be positive to HIM always is the character of Muslim faith.The disasters may occurred because of  human made.Allah does not cruel to HIS slaves since we are submission, obedience, surrender and sincere by totally following all HIS commandment without any skepticism. La'in syakartum Laaziidan nakum, Wala'in kafartum Inna Azaabii Lasyadiid.

Halal food

Al Qur'an is not a story book but the authentic scripture that revealed the fact of human life. Al Qur'an is about knowledge get to know Allah SWT and to study of HIS creations.There are several chemical process in human body for examples, that non stop working in life.The Human Reproductive System, The Central Nervous System (CNS) which is coordinates all nerve to the whole body of human being. The  blood coagulation, embryology process, animal kingdom, fruits and vegetables that produce energy to the mankind. Allah SWT instructed HIS slaves to choose Halal Food for healthy body and healthy mind.What is Halal? Islam is very particulars on Halal food or drinks because every single or little drink which is HARAM (forbidden) will influencing our character and behaviour.Muslim must stay away from eating forbidden food such as flesh of swine, blood, death animal (except sea food ) or something that killed by other carnivore, drinking alcohol which is against the Islamic Law (Shariah). Allah SWT further reminding us not only choosing Halal ingredient  but eating Good food ( Halalan Toyyiban ) which is slaughtering with the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.Oh Allah grant us and protect every single Muslim from taking forbidden Food. Allah is the Only ONE we worshiping and to HIM we will return to get blessing or torment on the day of judgement. Astaghfirullah Hal A'zim.

Hafiz Hamidun Bless from Allah The Almighty.

Allah Knows Best,
Written by,
Che Yahya Hj Che Soh
Principal SMKSB@STAR
Segambut, Kuala Lumpur.
Wednesday 15 October,2014.  

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