Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Power of Supplication

One of the most essential thing that can be  influencing  our  life  is supplication  to Allah.In Arabic word familiar known is Dua.Why people need supplication to Allah every time?  Because Allah is the Superpower, The Creator, The Lord of the Universe who can protect and forgive us in all kind of mistakes. A true  Dua can be assist us to throw away our sins and to keep our heart clean and peacefully. Allah swt sent down the blessings to washing our heart ,our mind and our soul. The only simple way that Allah want from us is our HEART. The most powerful organ  that coordinate our physical body is heart, means the central part of  human body..مَرْكِز، قَلْب المَكان

Praising Allah 

Students who are struggling in the SPM examination should not forget  to pray to Allah, raising your hand and ask Allah to guide you successfully in your examination. Ask Allah to remove your burden.Praising Allah swt to open your mind widely.The power of supplicating  has mention in the noble Al Qur'an in various verses  purposely to remind people the important of  Dua.Allah The Merciful,instructing us to make Dua at all time. Ud uu nii Astajib Lakum.I will give everything you wants. Those who are ignorance and lazy to make Dua to Allah surely Allah would not listen to you.All Muslim should not forget to perform supplication to Allah The Almighty to overcome our problem. If we lost the way, to Allah we should return. This is a meaningful rhythm and very beautiful message from Maher Zein, an Islamic icon singer across the globe. May Allah grant  us to the light and protect  us from the darkness.Listen to a beautiful Dua from our Imam Sheikh Ismail Menk,very touching and tearing to our heart.May Allah swt bless him and his family with healthy and wealthy of life. Amin.

Mufti Ismail Menk You Tube

Wallahua'lam (Allah knows)
Che' Yahya Che'Soh
Principal SMKSB@STAR
Segambut, Kuala Lumpur.
Thursday 7 November,2013.

The Power of Supplication.  

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