Friday, November 8, 2013

Get Close To Allah

 I seek refuge with Allah swt from the accursed of Devil

Human being is never perfect. Everyday and every time we make mistakes  whether we are conscious or unconscious.We can not blame anyone on our fought. We must  maintain  ourselves on the right way at all time to ensure our mind does not interrupted by the negative thinking surrounding us.In Islamic terms Ibda' Binafsi' means introspect yourself or self assessment.This is a great challenging to practicing good values in a modern world today. Our intention must be clear and focus to get Mercy from Allah The Merciful, on a day and a night.What ever we say and we  do just for the seek of Allah, The Creator of The Universe.The easy way to educate our lust to get close to Allah by following His complete instruction obediently and never, ever abandon to practice all kind of Sun-nah by our beloved Prophet Muhammad saw (p.b.u.h). Prophet saw (p.b.u.h) says : I leave to you Al Qur'an and Sun-nah, those who are strictly follow these commandment they are safe from punishment and never ever misleading  forever.

Brain and lust

The contradiction  between brain and lust always interrupting our concentration to get close to Allah swt.We ask Allah to grant us to the lightening and to protecting us from Evil. We need to educate (tarbiyah)  ourselves to practicing Solah constantly in five times a day , reciting Al Qur'an, doing good to other people, giving charity to the poor and sharing knowledge among scholars to avoid misleading by the Devil. Listen to the lectures on Islamic thinking from various teachers may enhancing our soul to get close to Allah.That's the only way to protect ourselves from a real enemy of Satan (can be Jins or Man) to strengthen our belief  to Allah forever.May Allah bless us.

Satan everywhere

Satan is there everywhere, appear in all places to misleading people by making wrongdoing and corrupting in life.Those who are influencing by Satan,they will involving in devilment that's disservice  meaningful life. Allah swt  remind believers to stay far a way from Satan Laknatullah at all time.Devil is our purely enemy that commanding people to the untruth path. Satan will never give up trying to destroying our harmonious life through variety of ways until people beguiled with it's incitement.May Allah SWT protect us to the right doing in all aspect of life.

Che'Yahya Che'Soh
Principal SMKSB@STAR
Segambut, Kuala Lumpur.
Saturday 9 November,2013.

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