Sunday, February 9, 2014

Deliver Every Single Word

When we are talking about Islam as a complete way of life,we should accepting the rules and regulation without skepticism. Al Qur'an is an authentic book that revealed by Allah SWT purposely to remind people following the truth in a temporarily life.Islam means safe, prosperous, peace, glory and calm.Islam means Victory.Allah SWT teach us to stay away from bad habit such as lying,cheating, robbing and wrongdoing which can corrupted our life to get close to Allah SWT. That's why Allah send HIS servant Muhammad Saw (p.b.u.h) to commit people to the truth.Prophet Muhammad Saw was send to teach people in every single word of Allah  Ballighu  Anni walau Aayah بَلِّغُوا عَنِّى وَلَوْ آيَةً (Soheh  Bukhari).Deliver to all people even  in  a single of ayah.The main task of Prophet Muhammad Saw is to conveying  knowledge to the mankind through Al Qur'an and Hadith in accurately.

Teaching Islam

Allah SWT described clearly in a Holy Qur'an through His word  Iqra' Bismirabikalladzi khalaq. I am not going to describe that particular Ayah because the content is very clear to us.By reciting, memorizing and understanding the message of Al Qur'an deeply, we can practicing  Islamic doctrine peacefully. As a true Muslim we strictly accepting the word of Allah to safe us from fire.The Prophet Muhammad Saw is a Great Leader to all mankind.He approach Islamic teaching to the people wisely through HIS  good manners  in all aspect of life.Everything in life begin with knowledge. Without proper knowledge, people will lost their way.If we lost the way to Allah we should returned.That's a meaningful reminder from Maher Zein.

Maher Zain

Allah Knows Best
Che Yahya Che Soh
Principal SMKSB@STAR
Segambut Kuala Lumpur.
Sunday 9 February,2014

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