Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Important Talk

Mufti Ismail Menk You tube.

All Praises indeed to Allah The Almighty The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.Blessings and salutation to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW,the final messenger of Allah, His family and companion who bring the light to the Universe.The Messenger of Allah better known Rasulullah SAW was chosen by Allah as an icon for the people because of HIS highest character and excellence conduct.Innama Bu'istu Liutammimaa Makaarimal Akhlaq (Narrated by Malik).Islam came to earth with Faith to Allah SWT as The Creator and Supervisor of living thing  and non living thing.Islam is a practical religion to all mankind.Islam is belong to all people.There are no difference between ethnics,races and tribe in Islam except faith to Allah.That's why during pilgrimage we can see all people around the world with difference skin colors went to Mecca to perform Haj.They recite the same verses and worship to the ONE GOD-Allah, praying together and facing directions to the House of Allah-Kaaba during Solah.Kaaba is a symbol of  solidarity to all Muslim across the globe.Allah says in the Holy Al Qur'an " FAWALLIWAJ HAKASHATRAL MASJIDIL HARAM".  How great Allah SWT unite people all over the world to perform the fifth pillars in Islam through HIS command "Wa'azzin Finnasi Bil Hajji Ya'tuukarijaala" .  Amazing, SUBHANALLAH.

Safe from torment

Those who are totally surrender and obedience to the rules of Allah they will secure and safe from torment.Those who are arrogance and against Allah they will get punishment.This is a genuine fact.When people dies they will know the actual place whether in Jan nah (paradise) or going to Hell.May Allah SWT guide us to Jan nah.To Allah SWT we worship and to HIM we will return to get HIS reward or punishment in the day of judgement.May Allah SWT grant us and protect every single Muslim from the torment of fire. I really admire Syeikh Ismail Menk who deliver his speech widely on Islamic Taught  for the sake of Allah SWT. I always follow his talk via internet and he is very excellence practicing Islamic scholar to the people across the globe.May Allah SWT Blessings Him and His family.Those who are really love Islam as a complete way of life they will accepted the rules of Allah SWT without skepticism. Al Qur'an is a Holy Scriptures given by Allah as a true guidance to all mankind. May Allah The Almighty open our heart,sharpen our mind to think purely about the truth since we still  have a chance in our life. Allah SWT won't accept our prayer when the soul at the throat.

Allah Knows Best
Che Yahya Che Soh
Principal SMKSB@STAR
Segambut, Kuala Lumpur.
Saturday 19 April 2014.

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