Saturday, November 14, 2009

Reading Strategies (Dedicate to my students)

Our memory operates on four levels of efficiency. Our ability to remember something increases from level I to level 4 depending on what we do with the information. 1.Hear or read the material once. 2. Read the information and review it once or twice. 3 . Read the information, review the material several times, write it down and test yourself over the next two days. 4. Repeat and frequently write down the information over a period of 3-6 days (This will gives us excellent retention). Research shown that we will forget 70% within an hour and 84% within 48 hours. People learn and memorize information using a variety of learning styles. Learning styles means : How we concentrate, process and remember new and difficult information. Hearing, seeing reading, writing , illustration and first hand experience.

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