Monday, January 31, 2011

Think A Head

"A leader is one who sees more than other sees, who sees farther than others see and who sees before others do. " Leroy Eims.

I quoted the statement by Leroy Eims regarding the important of leadership. Mostly leaders consist of high confidence , sincere, trustworthy and visionary to the organization. Leaders always think ahead than followers . They always find the best method and total approach to bring up the organization in a good manner. To ensure the organization will run smoothly, I always consider the four factors as follows :
people skills.
planning and strategic thinking
Leaders must know the people needs and trust them to do the work without prejudice because one of the most important abilities in leadership is reading people. Once you can manage your people constantly, you can achieve your vision. In a school contect, people skills is very essential factor to enhance learning and teaching process . Principal as an instructional leader play a major role in school. They will answerable for everything such as; academic performance, discipline, co curricular and the whole life in school . They must have a knowledge , skill, talent , experience and competence to handle the various issue might occur around them. The principal must be strong in mentally and physically to raise and overcome the problem.

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