Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mesyuarat POST MORTEM PMR 2010

At about 200pm, we have a special meeting Post - Mortem (PMR) chaired by the Principal to discuss about the method and strategy to enhance the student achievement in PMR this year 2011. We have targeted about 20 candidates will score straight As this year. Selama 2 tahun berturut-turut (2009 -2010 ) sekolah hanya dapat 9 orang calon As (semua A) . Anyway, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all teachers whom did a good job for PMR 2010 yang berhempas pulas mendidik pelajar sehingga mereka memperolehi kejayaan. The result shown : overall percentage 65.22 compare last year (2009-59.29) inrease about 5.9 percent with the Overall gred 3.02 also incease + 0.03 (last year 3.05) . Position in Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala lumpur 67/89. As a Principal I'm still not satisfied with the school achievement. Justeru dalam mesyuarat post mortem kelmarin (Selasa 18 Januari 2011) Aku telah minta PK dan semua KB merangka dan menambahbaik pelan strategi PEMBESTARIAN PMR DAN SPM untuk melonjakan pencapaian pelajar tahun ini dari segi KUALITI DAN KUANTITI . We do our best with a good support , participation and cooperation from teachers, students and their parents through "esprit de corps" to ensure we will reach our goals . The role of Principal is very tough , tougher than working in the Ministry or Education Department because you have to manage and consider all factors and look at various angles from the smallest issues to the largest problems which face in school. One of the major issue is to bring up the school integrity in academic performance, discipline, involving in co curricular, build a good relationship with the Parent Teacher Association, office managerial and school infrastructure always in a good condition to ensure students are safe and secure . Pihak sekolah dengan sokongan PIBG telah melantik tenaga anggota RELA untuk menjaga kawasan sekolah mengikut jadual iaitu Isnin-Jumaat mulai jam 6.30 pagi-7,30, 12.30-1.30 dan 6.30-7.15 malam untuk menjamin keselamatan pelajar dan seluruh warga SMKDK InsyaAllah.

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