Monday, January 24, 2011

Morning Assembly 24 Jan 2011

Today I would like to share with you the principle of success. Everything we do , see, listen and hear will affect to our mind. Our brain is design to solve the problems that we face in a daily life. Life should begin with glory, jovial , peaceful and happiest. No one was born with a complete life and nobody is perfect in the world. That is the fact. But Allah The Almighty give us the powerful mind as an asset for us to choose the right doing or wrong doing. As a student you should take 100 percent responsibility for your life. Meaning you have to concentrate in your lesson and participate in all activities to prepare yourself with a knowledge, skill and competence to fulfill the world challenging . You must have a good strength in mind, spirit and willing to change your character, habit, behavior and life style if you want to succeed. There is no short cut to success. You have to give up all excuses to reach your aims because nearly hundred percent people who has a habit making excuses are failures. You have to give up the words I cant because this phrase will dis empower you. They will influence you to achieve your dream. As a Principle I have a BIG DREAM to my school., to my teachers and all staff . I want my students always positive in thinking and have a very clear vision for their better future . We have create a positive image to bring up the school performance at all level to ensure we reach the goals EXCELLENT SCHOOL by the year 2013 InsyaAllah.

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