Wednesday, July 29, 2015

How To Measure Our Faith

Everyday as early in the morning we wake up to perform the duty to the Maker, Allah is The Most Merciful and The Most Gracious. We stand for prayer, facing our face to Kaabah ,  putting our head to the ground  as a symbol of  surrender , submission and obedience to Allah. The House of Allah  at the holy mosque  also known Baitil 'Atiq is a direction during Solah. O Allah is the only ONE we worship and guide us to the straight path. Praise be to Allah and blessing and salutation to HIS Messenger Prophet Muhammad Saw peace be upon him ( p.b.u.h ) who bring the light to the people.The Prophet Muhammad Saw is an icon leader to the world. He was not only a messenger but the great exemplary morale and holy leader  to the mankind. Million thanks to Allah The Almighty still giving us a chance to continue our activities with good health and prosperity of life.  Allah SWT encouraging human being to think and studying deeply on HIS creation in the universe through self evaluation, self assessment and self adaptation  to strengthen our faith to the Creator. Knowledge without religion is blind and education without morale and ethics is lame.  Life without faith like a house without pillar.

Mind and Faith

What is faith? Why faith is important to the mankind?  Is it faith can be measure to determine the true worshipers? There are no contradiction between mind and faith to find the truth. Faith means we believe to Allah as The Creator of the Universe and totally worship HIM without skepticism and Prophet Muhammad Saw is HIS final messenger. There is NONE  equal to Allah. Recite and studying deeply verse Al Ikhlas to know Allah.  Look at ourselves as human being. Where are we originally from? Scientific research  had prove that mankind are from the mixture of cell as a basic unit of life. In this context is the combination of sperm and ovum from both parents. Gene from parents will transfer the heredity which is contain DNA to the siblings.  Can we imagine the process of human creation from the tiny cell ? Who was responsible to shape the mankind from phase to phase in the uterus ? O Allah we are nothing and too despised. Look at the sky and the earth as part of the galaxies,working and functioning smoothly to stabilize the universe. We may ask WHO is  actually navigating the whole process of life? The perfect answer is absolutely Allah the Creator of organisms , living thing and non living thing. In searching the truth human needs to strengthening the faith  as an indicator of the true believers. A healthy mind and wealthy soul will accepting the truth without skepticism. May Allah SWT open our doors to accept the truth.

Rational and Faith

We all comes from the same substance. Biologically there are no difference between one and another. Structurally mankind consist of cell, organ, tissue and system to coordinate the human body functioning well. Every human needs food, drink and energy  to survive their life. That 's are the basic thing for all human being. We need food and water when hungry and thirsty. The chemical process in human body playing an important role to absorb the molecules such as protein, carbohydrate and lipid without failure in every second. The digestion system play its function to ensure molecules are completely absorb via blood circulation system.That is the generally process of food digestion into our body.There are million cell, neuron and tissue joining together to stabilize the body structure.The cardiovascular system is very close connection to the blood circulation and respiration system to ensure our lung receiving enough oxygen for healthy cardiac. Usually people will accepting something base on rational but not all process can be determine by rationality especially on the miracle of  Al Qur'an Al Kareem. The main foundation in human life is FAITH    to  ensure we are in the righteous and get blessing by  Allah. Faith or Iman in Malay can be up and down, increase and decrease. Therefore we need to remedial our knowledge to protect our believe from Evil. Satan is the real enemy to the mankind. Al Qur'an Al Kareem is an authentic Scripture which is discover widely on  faith. According to Al Qur'an there are three category of mankind. Firstly Muslim with the true faith, secondly Muslim with hypocrite  and thirdly is unbelievers. We may ask ourselves in what category we are? The true faith will not against Allah in all aspects.

Credit pictures : Puan Rosnah Samlee.

Grateful to Allah SWT shaping the earth with beautiful view and rich of natural resources to all mankind. Give thanks to Allah for the sustenance. Human and natural environment is too close. The beautiful panorama with variety of colors will reduce stress and burden to the people. It is part of self therapy to maintain our health. People who are  looking deeply to Allah creations will  appreciates and spontaneously says all praise be to Allah. In Arabic Alhamdulillah , Subhanallah , Allahu Akbar . Allah is the Great Creator.  Rabanaa Ma Khalaqtaha Zaa Bathila Subhana Kafaqina Azaabannar. We all slave and the servant of Allah. May Allah grant us and protect every single Muslim from torment of fire. How strong we are or  how millionaire we are  sooner or later we will return to our Maker. Since we are still alive, do much charity to the people and avoid the wrongdoing in life. Do all the  good we can as long as we can. May Allah Swt always be with us. Amin.

Allah knows best
Che Yahya Che Soh
Kuala Lumpur.
Saturday 1 August,2015.

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