Monday, April 16, 2018

The Miracle Journey

Bismillah.  Alhamdulillah.  All praises be to Allah the Creator of Mankind and universe. Blessings and salutation to the Prophet Muhammad Saw his family, his companions who bring the light to world. The final Prophet Muhammad Saw was send to the earth to convince people to worshipping Allah. This is the fundamental principle in human life. People will stay in darkness  without faith. During period of Mecca his home town Prophet Muhammad Saw facing lots of obstacles to convience people to Iman. Mecca is a special place in the world where the house of Allah was build . Muslim across the world turning their face to the holy Masjidil Haram during solah. Masjidil Haram be a witness  to the Prophet Muhammad Saw during his miracle journey in a day night  to Masjid Al Aqsa Palestine. Allah himself instructed his servant to make a journey for the purpose of solah and returned to Mecca on the same day. Between logical and faith, people very difficult to accept the journey. Between belief and logical is an indicator of a true believers.

History was recorded when the Prophet Muhammad  Saw accompanied by the angel Jibril travelling @ israk from Masjid Haram to Al Aqsa by Buraq which is as fast as light, Prophet Muhammad  and Jibril arrived at Masjid Aqsa and leading his prayer with other prophets. Allah Swt instructed him to ascend to the heaven with Jibril.This is formerly known Mikraj . How great Allah Swt purposely invited His servant to meet Him personally at the Sidratul muntaha without Jibril. Sidratulmuntaha the highest place that no one can pass the boundary according to Islamic belief. What is significant to this event?...Every single Muslim who are healthy mind must perform solah five times a day without any excuses. Solah is the second pillars in Islam after Shahadah and solah is the top priority besides Zakat, Fasting and performing Haj in Mecca. Allah Swt won't accept all practices and good deeds without performing solah.

Between  logical, rasional and believe it is a process of upholding the character and behaviour of adherent. Never ever used thinking method to accept Israk Mikraj. This is a miracle journey that happen to the Prophet Muhammad Saw to strengthen His faith in order to preach people on Islam. Some people may not believe on supernatural because they do not have enough evident to trust it. The thing that cannot be seen by naked eyes it is difficult to believe. We may ask ourselves do we see the air? Do we know how it works? People believe the air is exist although they could not see it. If we were told Israk Mikraj was really happening to the Prophet Muhammad Saw why don't we believe it? Allah SWT creates mankind with two elements Body and Soul. The structure of human body completely support by organ tissue and system to coordinates the whole body functioning well. The human body system will stiff  and death without soul.

Rasullullah Saw was chosen by Allah SWT to ascend to the heaven by his soul body and with the mercy of Allah he returned to Mecca on the same night. That was really amazing and fantastic. That's why Abu Lahab his uncle cannot accept and do not believe although he knew his nephew Muhammad Saw never ever speak untruth or lying @ Al Amin since he was young. The character and behaviour of the Prophet Muhammad Saw totally based on Al Qur'an. He never say on his own view otherwise what was already told by Allah. In hua illa wahyun yuuha. Abu Lahab Abu Jahal and their followers was not happy with the Prophet Muhammad Saw. Abu Lahab with heated argument says to express his anger ' doggone ' Muhammad you call us just to tell this nonsense. Allah SWT  immediately send his revelation " Tabbati yadaa Abi Lahabin Watabb" May the hand of Abu Lahab broken..very short verse consist of five ayah which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Saw to counter back Abu Lahab argument. That was the scnerio happened to the Prophet. It was very hard to face the worst situation between chosen the truth and his uncle Abu Lahab.

The Prophet Muhammad Saw life was full of colourful obstacles on his duty to preaching the truth in Mecca. Finally Islam was spread all over the earth. The role model leadership Rasullullah Saw was an icon of ummah as rahmamatan lil alamin, mercy to the world.

Israk Mikraj was really happened to the prophet Muhammad Saw
Every Muslim must believe without skepticism the event
Allah Swt purposely invited HIS Prophet Muhammad Saw to meet Him at Sidratulmuntaha.
The main point - to recieved solat.
There were nothing impossible to Allah.
Allah can do everything  beyond human reach mind.

Allah knows best

csyahya victory
Tue 17 April 2018

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