Saturday, January 14, 2017

China the power of economy

The successful country is base on economic growth. Today China become the world giant economy besides United States. Although I do not have any accurate figures about this, I am sure in the next ten years China will overtake US. How they manage their country to stabilize the income percapita for the people. At another point most product " made in China" we can buy and see anywhere across the globe. Once the economy strength, the country become powerful and stabilized.

csyahya victory

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Banjir Disember 2014 Kuala Krai " kesan yang di tinggalkan"

Menjana kekuatan organisasi

Organisasi merupakan wadah penyatuan umat yang di asaskan untuk mencapai sesuatu matlamat. Berbagai bentuk organisasi mempunyai tujuan berm...