Major purpose
The major purpose of education is to have a command of knowledge, skill and values that comes from the teaching and learning process in the classroom.School as a learning organization play an important role in educating young people to be a useful citizen.The main objective of education is to prepare the young people with knowledge, skill and competence for their better future.Teaching and learning process is a noble profession to educate people to the right way. Learning is a change of behaviour as a result of experience. The instructional leadership become harmful to the teaching and learning process if our teachers unable to teach students effectively.That's why school always concern about quality of teachers rather than quantity. We don't want lethargic people to be in school.We need energetic educators to transform teaching and learning process wisely.
Learning Organization
The most important thing in learning organization is to develop the awareness among teachers, students and school citizen in the system. How do people interact with our system in school?. Do they selfish and blaming others for their problems? Are they surely serious in creating something new to the school for the future of students?This question always interrupting my mind how to develop an excellence organization for the benefit of young people.Learning organization closely connecting to the school philosophy to achieving our goals. Learning environment strictly design by Principal and teachers to attract students to study effectively.Organization will collapse because of misleading or in organized well.
Tougher leadership
Leadership become more tougher to convince people working together through esprit de corps to uphold the integrity and to maintain school reputation.People look at school through various lens. Some of them blaming school administration because of lack of information.They do not satisfied with the teachers or Principal handling several issues regarding their son in school or what ever way they want, we can't fulfilling their needs.This thing happen because of our own mistake, lack of information and we are not alert with something happen surrounding us.Organization that fail to serve and justify people can be categorize Organizational Lethargy or familiar known lethargic.Do not let our organization death because of low self esteem of leadership. Stay away from lethargic to transform our organization to serve people successfully.
Lead school as macro organization
Manage school financial wisely
Administer school office correctly
Lead instructional program
Manage school infrastructure
Manage teachers and staff
Manage co curricular
Manage sports
Manage students
Manage school communities
Responsible to all kind of program .
Strategic planning for school future
Building networking with non government bodies
Improving Sarana Sekolah and Sarana Ibu bapa
Setting goals.
Stay away from lethargic people.
Che'Yahya Che'Soh
Principal SMKSB@STAR
Segambut, Kuala Lumpur.
Wednesday 27 November,2013.
Lethargic organization
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