Bismillah Alhamdulillah. All praises be to Allah, the owner of universe. Blessings and salutations to the Prophet Muhammad Saw the final mesengger of Allah, his family and his companions who bring the light to the world. Time flies too fast left us behind. Ramadhan is around the corner. It is about two week soon Muslim all over the world will celebrate the holy month Ramadhan Al Mubarrak. The special month that gives a lots of reward to the Muslim who are really fasting in order to achieve Taqwa. Ramadhan is the third pillar in Islam. Allah Swt commands in the holy Al Quran to the believers to perform the fasting during Ramadhan to get Taqwa - fear of Allah. We pray to Allah SWT on His blessing and mercy, we hope to meet Ramadhan again this year. Thank you Allah for everything you have given to me at my old age I can still wake up early in the morning to go to the mosque to perform my duty as a Muslim. Today is 14 Syaaban or familiar known nisfu syaaban according to Islamic calendar. Muslim are encouraging to perform fasting in this month as long as they can do it. Allah will gives reward to those who are able to do it. Ramadhan is around the corner.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Friday, April 27, 2018
My Garden
Green green grass. It's remember me to my favourites evergreen song by Tom Jones. Looking at this view in my garden like old village with green plants and flowers surrounding my small hut. It make me so happy and peaceful with this situation. O Allah bless me and my family always.
General Election (GE )14 2018
Parliament dissolved Saturday 7 April, 2018.
Parliament dissolved Saturday 7 April, 2018.
Nomination day Saturday 28 April, 2018.
Polling day Wednesday 9 May 2018.
Seat : Parliament 222
State 505
As a true Malaysians, we have to fulfil our duty to the nation. Turnout on the polling day as early in the morning. Do not forget to bring along your IC and identify your locality before voting. For every five years the GE was held to get a new mandate to form the government.
I have experienced as Returning Officer (RO) for Parliament Titiwangsa in three term from 1999, 2004 and 2008. It is really challenging and really tested my endurance to face the situations especially on the nomination day. Normally RO was appointed among government senior officials to run election . RO and his team must alert of any irregularities while recieving nomination forms to be fair and justice to the candidates. The time very constrains we have just only one hour from 9.00am - 10.00am to finalise the candidates who are eligible to contest on the election. This is the critical session should be tackle wisely . RO will announced the candidates who are eligible to contest as stated on the nomination forms after 10.00am. The final dicision make by RO after he was satisfied with the nomination. The authority was given by The Election Commission (EC) when RO recieving his writ to conduct the elections. RO and his team must understand the rules and regulations of EC before making any statements. It is not easy to reject @ disqualified candidate from contest unless they are failure to complete all documents on the nomination forms. Do all the best to the people as long as you can. Be a good citizen, professional and wise for the country.
Happy voting.
Congratulations to all Malaysian.
csyahya victory
Sat 28 April, 2018.
Seat : Parliament 222
State 505
As a true Malaysians, we have to fulfil our duty to the nation. Turnout on the polling day as early in the morning. Do not forget to bring along your IC and identify your locality before voting. For every five years the GE was held to get a new mandate to form the government.
I have experienced as Returning Officer (RO) for Parliament Titiwangsa in three term from 1999, 2004 and 2008. It is really challenging and really tested my endurance to face the situations especially on the nomination day. Normally RO was appointed among government senior officials to run election . RO and his team must alert of any irregularities while recieving nomination forms to be fair and justice to the candidates. The time very constrains we have just only one hour from 9.00am - 10.00am to finalise the candidates who are eligible to contest on the election. This is the critical session should be tackle wisely . RO will announced the candidates who are eligible to contest as stated on the nomination forms after 10.00am. The final dicision make by RO after he was satisfied with the nomination. The authority was given by The Election Commission (EC) when RO recieving his writ to conduct the elections. RO and his team must understand the rules and regulations of EC before making any statements. It is not easy to reject @ disqualified candidate from contest unless they are failure to complete all documents on the nomination forms. Do all the best to the people as long as you can. Be a good citizen, professional and wise for the country.
Happy voting.
Congratulations to all Malaysian.
csyahya victory
Sat 28 April, 2018.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Responsibility Integrity and Dignity
Bismillah Alhamdulillah. All praises be to Allah The Almighty, the Creator of Universe. Allah we worship and to HIM we will returned when our times come. Blessing and salutation to the Prophet Muhammad Saw, His family and companions who bring the light to the people. Prophet Muhammad Saw is an icon leader to the world. Since he was young Muhammad Saw was known Al Amin which carrying the meaning of commendable among the people. His character and behaviour was revealed in the holy Quran " Wainna kala Ala khaluqin aziim" Indeed Muhammad Saw has a great moral". The Prophet said " I was send to the earth to build human Moral" . Why moral and ethics very important to the ummah? The community and society will corrupts without good morale and ethical values in their life. What is the main objectives of life? The true answer is to get blessings and pleased by Allah. Our responsibility is strictly accepting the rules of Allah without skepticism- sami'na waatho'na. Responsibility, integrity and dignity is very similar which means to upholding human righteousness. People with good righteous will not corrupts themselves because they afraid of Allah at all the time. Integrity means " Taqwa" in Arabic - fear of God. History was recorded when Prophet Muhammad Saw arrived in Medina he first built the mosque to call ummah to taqwa - Masjid Quba situated about 3 km from The Prophet Mosque was an epitome of Islamic civilizations in Medina. During his times Islam was expanded rapidly in Arabic peninsula and across the world as Rahmatan Lil Alamin- mercy to universe. The exemplary model that shown by Prophet Muhammad Saw was followed by the ummah.Leadership management is a basic principles to assure the country running smoothly. The country will damage because of immoral leader. It is not easy to be a good leader. The victory or falls country because of leadership mismanagement. The earth inheretance to a trust leader to ensure the continuity of prosperous life to the ummah. That is the main objectives of leadership management. Human needs a clean leader to lead the country. Therefore our responsibility is to choose the right leader with high integrity to uphold the dignity of ummah as mentioned in the holy Al Quran - Baldatun Toyyibatun Warabbun Ghafur. Prosperous country with the Grace of Allah all the time.
Conclusion :
Carrying and care
All about the great leaders.
written by
csyahya victory
Fri 27 April 2018
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Go Green
Bismillah Alhamdulillah.
Do we realized the benefits of plants and flowers for Man? How they grow and fertile from small seeds stage by stage slowly develop to produce flowers and fruits. ? Plants make its own food through photosynthesis. Each leave contains of pigment chlorophyll ( green leaves) to absorb sunlight during photosynthesis process. Plants can't make its own food without sunlight. During photosynthesis, chlorophyll realese oxygen into the air. How great Allah The Creator of Universe creates a tiny pigments known chloroplast as a basic unit of plant cell to form a chemical process in the air. I am not going to elaborates more details on that particular process but we have to realize plants is very important to maintain stability of human heritage.
Sayangi bumi kita.
csyahya victory
Mon 23 April 2018.
Sayangi bumi kita.
csyahya victory
Mon 23 April 2018.
View at Small Hut
Humanbeing needs fresh air with green environmental to reduce stress.
Green environmental rich of Oxygen for better life.
Take care of our environment to maintain healthy and wealthy life forever.
Be polite to environment to remain the diversity flora and fauna fertile for man.
Do not let our enviromental destroy without ethics because it is disaster to the people. Environmental will damage because of greedy people cutting jungle treasures wildly. Forest is a place where water savings must be protected from enroachment. If people are not civilized with nature, animals and human life will not save, wait for destruction. Do not blame natural phenomenon, blame people who are not concern and carrying on environmental for young generation heritage.
csyahya victory
Mon 23 April 2018.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Tiny house : Fresh air and windy
I spend my valuable time at my small hut "Dar Al Fikr" here for almost two hours everyday. The place is very quite where bird chirp sound peaceful in the morning. My routine work as usual watering plant around my hut. Looking at sorrunding with green and colourful flowers at least can be teraphy to my mind with healthy weather. That's really make me happy,fresh and enjoyable. Thank you Allah for everything you have given to me especially at my old age I can still wake up early in the morning and walking to my garden to fulfil my daily activities after no more longer as a civil servant. The most crucial part in life is to maintain healthy and wealthy physically and mentally to continue our routine day. Money cannot buy health but money too is essential thing to health. Without enough financial we can't survive our life. Between money and health both important to human. People says prevention is better than cure should be practice in order to avoid onset of illness. There are too many ways to keep maintain good health. Some people used their useful time to read and writting to generates the thinking process to sharpen their mind. Thinking process is very important to humanbeing in order to maintain the stability strength of thought.
The power of thought is very important to change people's mindset, thinking paradigm as a symbol of personal clarity. The indicator of good or bad character and behaviour normally based on thinking method. The more you read the more you write, the more you explore knowledge it will influence your character and attitude to be a better person. The world is moving too fast where technology digital is taking place to enhance people's need in all field. The world like a small village where information can be acces too fast. People who affraid to move forward will left behind. Technology become most powerful tools to certain countries in the global world. Like a weapon to protect their territories from invasions. Today people use on line to get instant news from many sources across the globe within a second. By using smartphone which is link to internet people can access various information beyond boarderless and boundaries. Information on fingertips. This is the world scenerio today. The choice on our finger to choose the truth. Never ever abused internet for self interest.
csyahya victoryKnowledge is powerful to change people's lifestyle and social culture to the modern world. No civilization without acquiring knowledge, Science and technology to build the nation. The main objectives of education is to prepare the youth with knowledge, skills and competence for their better future. The progress of a country actually measured through people's education level. That's why the developing countries such as Finland, Singapore, Australia, UK, very much concern on education development to educating and preparing their kids for a better future. The teaching and learning process very enjoyable with classroom set up with approximately 25 students for session. They also provided resource teacher to help students in the classroom. Why it is so difficult to implement this concept in our school? Make our school system enjoyable to attract students to studying and learning effectively.
Malay Medium
Principal ( R )
Thur 19 April 2018
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Between lethargic and encouraging mind
Bismillah Alhamdulillah
In the name of Allah the most Gracious and Beneficent.All praises be to Him the creator of living thing and non living thing in the universe. Blessings and salutations to the Prophet Muhammad Saw his family and his companions who bring the light to world.
One of the most crucial part in our life is to maintain healthy and wealthy mind in all situasion . Our mind has to be polish every day by thinking positive to encourage sharpen brain . Thinking process is about exploring mind to generates cell, tissue and organ to ensure the structure and human body system functioning well. Lazy thinking will slowly effected to the whole nerve system. The human body sructure become weak and slowly lethargic because of lazy mind. The character and behaviour of human is very close connection to the thinking process. Some times people feel unhappy , depress , lonely and frustrated because lots of turbulance which is intrupted in their mind because of negative thinking.This is very seriuos and have to solve wisely to avoid fatal depression.
Monday, April 16, 2018
The Miracle Journey
Bismillah. Alhamdulillah. All praises be to Allah the Creator of Mankind and universe. Blessings and salutation to the Prophet Muhammad Saw his family, his companions who bring the light to world. The final Prophet Muhammad Saw was send to the earth to convince people to worshipping Allah. This is the fundamental principle in human life. People will stay in darkness without faith. During period of Mecca his home town Prophet Muhammad Saw facing lots of obstacles to convience people to Iman. Mecca is a special place in the world where the house of Allah was build . Muslim across the world turning their face to the holy Masjidil Haram during solah. Masjidil Haram be a witness to the Prophet Muhammad Saw during his miracle journey in a day night to Masjid Al Aqsa Palestine. Allah himself instructed his servant to make a journey for the purpose of solah and returned to Mecca on the same day. Between logical and faith, people very difficult to accept the journey. Between belief and logical is an indicator of a true believers.
History was recorded when the Prophet Muhammad Saw accompanied by the angel Jibril travelling @ israk from Masjid Haram to Al Aqsa by Buraq which is as fast as light, Prophet Muhammad and Jibril arrived at Masjid Aqsa and leading his prayer with other prophets. Allah Swt instructed him to ascend to the heaven with Jibril.This is formerly known Mikraj . How great Allah Swt purposely invited His servant to meet Him personally at the Sidratul muntaha without Jibril. Sidratulmuntaha the highest place that no one can pass the boundary according to Islamic belief. What is significant to this event?...Every single Muslim who are healthy mind must perform solah five times a day without any excuses. Solah is the second pillars in Islam after Shahadah and solah is the top priority besides Zakat, Fasting and performing Haj in Mecca. Allah Swt won't accept all practices and good deeds without performing solah.
Between logical, rasional and believe it is a process of upholding the character and behaviour of adherent. Never ever used thinking method to accept Israk Mikraj. This is a miracle journey that happen to the Prophet Muhammad Saw to strengthen His faith in order to preach people on Islam. Some people may not believe on supernatural because they do not have enough evident to trust it. The thing that cannot be seen by naked eyes it is difficult to believe. We may ask ourselves do we see the air? Do we know how it works? People believe the air is exist although they could not see it. If we were told Israk Mikraj was really happening to the Prophet Muhammad Saw why don't we believe it? Allah SWT creates mankind with two elements Body and Soul. The structure of human body completely support by organ tissue and system to coordinates the whole body functioning well. The human body system will stiff and death without soul.
Rasullullah Saw was chosen by Allah SWT to ascend to the heaven by his soul body and with the mercy of Allah he returned to Mecca on the same night. That was really amazing and fantastic. That's why Abu Lahab his uncle cannot accept and do not believe although he knew his nephew Muhammad Saw never ever speak untruth or lying @ Al Amin since he was young. The character and behaviour of the Prophet Muhammad Saw totally based on Al Qur'an. He never say on his own view otherwise what was already told by Allah. In hua illa wahyun yuuha. Abu Lahab Abu Jahal and their followers was not happy with the Prophet Muhammad Saw. Abu Lahab with heated argument says to express his anger ' doggone ' Muhammad you call us just to tell this nonsense. Allah SWT immediately send his revelation " Tabbati yadaa Abi Lahabin Watabb" May the hand of Abu Lahab broken..very short verse consist of five ayah which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Saw to counter back Abu Lahab argument. That was the scnerio happened to the Prophet. It was very hard to face the worst situation between chosen the truth and his uncle Abu Lahab.
The Prophet Muhammad Saw life was full of colourful obstacles on his duty to preaching the truth in Mecca. Finally Islam was spread all over the earth. The role model leadership Rasullullah Saw was an icon of ummah as rahmamatan lil alamin, mercy to the world.
Israk Mikraj was really happened to the prophet Muhammad Saw
Every Muslim must believe without skepticism the event
Allah Swt purposely invited HIS Prophet Muhammad Saw to meet Him at Sidratulmuntaha.
The main point - to recieved solat.
There were nothing impossible to Allah.
Allah can do everything beyond human reach mind.
Allah knows best
csyahya victory
Tue 17 April 2018
History was recorded when the Prophet Muhammad Saw accompanied by the angel Jibril travelling @ israk from Masjid Haram to Al Aqsa by Buraq which is as fast as light, Prophet Muhammad and Jibril arrived at Masjid Aqsa and leading his prayer with other prophets. Allah Swt instructed him to ascend to the heaven with Jibril.This is formerly known Mikraj . How great Allah Swt purposely invited His servant to meet Him personally at the Sidratul muntaha without Jibril. Sidratulmuntaha the highest place that no one can pass the boundary according to Islamic belief. What is significant to this event?...Every single Muslim who are healthy mind must perform solah five times a day without any excuses. Solah is the second pillars in Islam after Shahadah and solah is the top priority besides Zakat, Fasting and performing Haj in Mecca. Allah Swt won't accept all practices and good deeds without performing solah.
Between logical, rasional and believe it is a process of upholding the character and behaviour of adherent. Never ever used thinking method to accept Israk Mikraj. This is a miracle journey that happen to the Prophet Muhammad Saw to strengthen His faith in order to preach people on Islam. Some people may not believe on supernatural because they do not have enough evident to trust it. The thing that cannot be seen by naked eyes it is difficult to believe. We may ask ourselves do we see the air? Do we know how it works? People believe the air is exist although they could not see it. If we were told Israk Mikraj was really happening to the Prophet Muhammad Saw why don't we believe it? Allah SWT creates mankind with two elements Body and Soul. The structure of human body completely support by organ tissue and system to coordinates the whole body functioning well. The human body system will stiff and death without soul.
Rasullullah Saw was chosen by Allah SWT to ascend to the heaven by his soul body and with the mercy of Allah he returned to Mecca on the same night. That was really amazing and fantastic. That's why Abu Lahab his uncle cannot accept and do not believe although he knew his nephew Muhammad Saw never ever speak untruth or lying @ Al Amin since he was young. The character and behaviour of the Prophet Muhammad Saw totally based on Al Qur'an. He never say on his own view otherwise what was already told by Allah. In hua illa wahyun yuuha. Abu Lahab Abu Jahal and their followers was not happy with the Prophet Muhammad Saw. Abu Lahab with heated argument says to express his anger ' doggone ' Muhammad you call us just to tell this nonsense. Allah SWT immediately send his revelation " Tabbati yadaa Abi Lahabin Watabb" May the hand of Abu Lahab broken..very short verse consist of five ayah which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Saw to counter back Abu Lahab argument. That was the scnerio happened to the Prophet. It was very hard to face the worst situation between chosen the truth and his uncle Abu Lahab.
The Prophet Muhammad Saw life was full of colourful obstacles on his duty to preaching the truth in Mecca. Finally Islam was spread all over the earth. The role model leadership Rasullullah Saw was an icon of ummah as rahmamatan lil alamin, mercy to the world.
Israk Mikraj was really happened to the prophet Muhammad Saw
Every Muslim must believe without skepticism the event
Allah Swt purposely invited HIS Prophet Muhammad Saw to meet Him at Sidratulmuntaha.
The main point - to recieved solat.
There were nothing impossible to Allah.
Allah can do everything beyond human reach mind.
Allah knows best
csyahya victory
Tue 17 April 2018
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Bismillah Alhamdulillah
Meniti hari hari semakin jauh meninggalkan usia menjadi indikator kemurnian jiwa. Dengan mendambakan redha Allah agar usia tersisa dapat di manfaatkan semaksima masa berubudiah kepada Pencipta dalam setiap keadaan dan suasana.
O Allah you're the only one we worship and obedient. Guide me Allah to the truth and protect me from evil. O Allah strengthening my spirit to get close to YOU in all situations. Life is too fragile easy come and easy go such as touch n go. What is the real meaning of Life? Where we will go after death? How life become meaningful to us? These question always intrupting in my mind when we return to HIM. Every soul must taste death. Are we ready to meet Allah? Whether we are ready or don't death never ever wait even in a second. That's absolutely true. Between life and death is a process of upholding the character and behaviour as a true servant. The character and behaviour of servant is a mirror of faith. Allah SWT will not accept all practices and good deeds without sincerity and integrity of HIS servant. The simple thing that Allah want from HIS slaves is clean ♥ heart.
Al Qur'an Al Kareem described very clear on this particular area. Those who returned to Allah with prosperity of heart they will go to heaven - Qalbun saleem. If we lost the way we should returned to Allah the Creator of mankind. We ask Allah, guide us to the righteous and protect us from weak of faith. The main objectives of life is to worshiping Allah totally without skepticism and fully trusted HIM in all situations. The miracle journey of life started since we was born and slowly grow step by step from the weak baby until elders and finally we will return to Allah to get reward or punishment on the day of judgement. This process will happening to every single person in MAHSYAR the place where all mankind will asssemble in front of Allah. Due to that since we are still alive , we have to do all the best as long as we can to get blessing and mercy by Allah. Build good relationship to HIM and to the mankind for the sake of Allah. O Allah protect us from torment of fire.. Aamin
csyahya victory
Sat 14 April 2018
Al Qur'an Al Kareem described very clear on this particular area. Those who returned to Allah with prosperity of heart they will go to heaven - Qalbun saleem. If we lost the way we should returned to Allah the Creator of mankind. We ask Allah, guide us to the righteous and protect us from weak of faith. The main objectives of life is to worshiping Allah totally without skepticism and fully trusted HIM in all situations. The miracle journey of life started since we was born and slowly grow step by step from the weak baby until elders and finally we will return to Allah to get reward or punishment on the day of judgement. This process will happening to every single person in MAHSYAR the place where all mankind will asssemble in front of Allah. Due to that since we are still alive , we have to do all the best as long as we can to get blessing and mercy by Allah. Build good relationship to HIM and to the mankind for the sake of Allah. O Allah protect us from torment of fire.. Aamin
csyahya victory
Sat 14 April 2018
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Strengthening Mind
Alhamdulillah All praises be to Allah The Almighty The Only ONE we worship and obedience, blessing and salutation to our beloved Prophet Muhammad Saw PBUH who bring the light to the universe.
May Allah guide us to the straight path. Ameen.
May Allah guide us to the straight path. Ameen.
- Thinking is about enhancing mind to find the truth. The world around us consist lots of evidence which is closely related to the people where the truth is really in front of our eyes. By using our mind to think wisely we will find the real answer about life. Our mind like a ware house where hard disk was deeply store all data and information in our brain. Once hard disk is corrupted all data will damaged and destroyed. Human brain consist of three main organ which is play and important role to maintain the stability of life. The central nervous system@CNS is a vital part to coordinates the body function functioning well.
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